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The ministries are located in Uganda, Kampala on Ntinda-Kisasi road

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About us

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Find more About Prophet John Obiri YaboahWORD OF ACTION INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES (WAIM) believes in a Gospel based value approach to govern every aspect of the ministry.

Biblical Focus:

A biblical focus to all our preaching and teachings. the scripture in the Bible guide our life and day to day living (2 Timothy 3:16)

Vibrant Praise an Worship:

we embrace the power of the Holy Spirit moving and working upon lives of the believers to receive the blessings, healing and anointing with vibrant praise and worship during all our church services.

Active Prayer with Faith:

Every believer is encouraged to practice and to be reminded  that with God all things are possible. (John 15:7)

Spirit of love:

WAIM promote a spirit of love and togetherness among Christian believers. The church has initiated a zone cell and outreach ministry that promotes knowledge sharing, group bible studies and fellow shipping.

Empowerment and Development:

WAIM promotes gift and talent development among believers which is reflected in each individuals calling to serve God. WAIM Christians also benefit from Church development projects so far initiated which include Eden Saving and Credit Co-operation, and Genesis Christian tours (www.gctours.com)

The Church:

We believe in togetherness as Christians regenerated by the Holy Spirit and made New creations in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:22-23).

The Savior:

We believe in Jesus Christ as a savior and who ever believes in him not die but will have everlasting internal life. (John 3:16)


We believe in Jesus Christ as the Baptizer and all our believers are taught about baptism and dipped in water with guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Scripture.........)


  • WAIM Church (House of Faith) is where believers seek God through prayers with guidance of the Holy Spirit (.............)
  • WAIM Church Pastors team have accepted and taken up a task to build up a believer’ congregation that is equipped with the word of the bible to serve God (................)
  • The Church believers are poor in Spirit, always seeking for Christ and their hearts are broken before God, but working together as Christians to support each other for their success in both spiritual and social development.
  • WAIM Church has respect for diversity in the Christian community and it embraces participation for all regardless of background, race, age, wealth and gender.
  • WAIM welcome the participation of all its members as a calling to serve in one of the ministries for Church and getting involved in the Church projects. (..........................)
  • Promotion of a development centered culture among believers and transparency in execution of Church visions and projects.(......)


WAIM mission is to make all members and the Christian Community know that we should love our God with all our hearts, all our souls and mind.(Matthew 22:36-39) and to seek God first, all other things will be added on to us (.......................)

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